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Flowers bloom outside Hovey Hall.

Vice President for Finance and Planning

Updates and Communications

Illinois State implemented a comprehensive strategy (RISE) in September 2024 to ensure long-term financial stability. The strategy included divisional budget holdbacks, hiring reductions, deferral of non-urgent projects, and reduction in out-of-cycle and additional pay increases.

Read more about the Budget Update from VPFP Glen Nelson

Division News

photo of white man's head and shoulders, wearing a red tie and blue jacket.
Illinois State University Vice President for Financial Planning, Dr. Glen Nelson, delivers an FY25 budget update, in addition to important guidance for the FY26 budget process and general approach to FY27 revenue allocations. 
Illinois State University bridge
This communication is an update on important developments in contract negotiations with University Professionals of Illinois, United Faculty of ISU (UFISU), the Union representing Illinois State University’s approximately 650 non-administrative tenured and tenure-track faculty.  
Milner Library
HR news and notes features information about upcoming Learning opportunities, Sick Leave Bank announcement, performance evaluation reminder, and current information as on Health Alliance.